Manifestation of an assumed fragility in front of forms that evoke vulnerability, All the Others Inside Me is a group exhibition created by Khollisy, Jan Matýsek, Rodion Kitaev and Nicolas Audureau, artists and curators.
« - We watched ourselves floating, absorbed by the visceral feeling of containing the world and being contained in it. We dissolved into each other, porous and filled with doubt.
What if exogeneity came from our most intimate interior? What if it was constitutive of our relationship with the cosmos? What if, since the dawn of time, cosmogonies - Sumerian, Mayan, Australian… - were mapped in
the organic depths of our beings: in our guts, intestinal neurons, animal thoughts? What if we were intrinsically made up of all differences - that is, of everything? What about the others? Wouldn’t they already be me? Wouldn’t I already be others? Wouldn’t it be impossible to say “I”? To speak in a singular way?»
The Others
In the exhibition, we find: the occurrence of water, the presence of an octopus, the sexuality of colors and the animality of the space, embroideries, bones, the chemistry of body odors, films of mutations, a bottle, drawings; all these artifacts invite us to embrace All the Others Inside Me that are our deep, unsuspected, loving and monstrous interiorities. Jan Matýsek presents a film. Rodion Kitaev presents a collection of embroideries, drawings and paintings on the walls and a piece made especially for the film by Jan Matýsek. Khollisy presents a set of prints on paper and silk, drawings and paintings on the walls and a piece made especially for the exhibition.